Executive Positions


The President shall act as chair of the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Association; s/he shall give over-all leadership to the activities of the Association in achieving its objectives and implementing its policies; s/he shall follow through on actions delegated to individuals and committees for performance; s/he shall, with the other officers, represent the Association to relevant educational and governmental agencies, s/he will oversee an annual employment survey and shall make an annual report to the Association. 


Vice-President shall serve on the Executive Committee; serve as chair in the absence of the President, and carry out such responsibilities as may be delegated to her/him. S/He shall be responsible for, with the involvement of the host campus, organizing the CACSD annual conference.  He/She should conduct an annual review of the Constitution and Bylaws. 


Secretary-Treasurer shall record the minutes of the Executive Committee and the annual meeting of the Association. S/he shall maintain the archives of the Association. S/he shall carry out other responsibilities as may be delegated to her/him. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds of the Association subject to policies of the Association and the Executive Committee. S/he shall receive and deposit most income from fees, sales, contributions and services of the Association. S/he shall be responsible for collection and deposit of annual membership fees. S/he shall make all payments authorized by the Executive Committee. S/he shall keep an itemized account of all income and expenditures and have the books prepared for annual audit.

Membership Coordinator shall receive and process applications for membership in the Association, and maintain a file including general correspondence and membership lists. S/He shall encourage previous members to renew their membership and should seek to find new members. 

Membership Coordinator

 Publications and Communications Manager shall handle key publications of CACSD: the professional journal entitled Partner, the website (https://https://www.thecacsd.org/), and the CACSD Facebook page. S/he shall work the necessary technical support people to produce these publications; s/he shall pursue a high standard for diversity, content and style; s/he shall represent CACSD fairly in all official publications.

Publications & Communications

Want to be an Executive Member?

If you are interested in becoming an executive member or want to nominate someone to be part of the executive team, please fill out the nomination form.

If you have been nominated, please fill out the nominee questionnaire form.